Sunday 6 July 2014

Life how you deal with it matters

Well in our daily life we come across many celebrities superstars and we often consider them that they have all the luxuries a human can have but do we take a moment and ever think how they got that ? means how did they achieved so much ? is it  luck ? are they special then the rest humanity ?

The answer is a big NO . these are just ordinary people like you who is reading this and like me who wrote the whole thing.Although luck is a big perspective involved but yet their hardwork matters all of them have faced many hatred , hardships but one thing is for sure that oh boy ! they never stopped they never let there failures create huddle in their path .Life is not as easy every person is not born lucky . but the only thing that can bring good luck to you is your hardwork . Well i would like to share some thoughts or stories of famous actors as below :
So , As you saw none of them was born with a bentley or a mercedes , none of them wore a raymond on their birthday in their childhood , no of them owned an iphone , none of them had a huge house to live in . life has its hardship i too have many but yet beleiveing in one allah and hardwork can make you like these people .In the end iwould just like to share this quote
"If you are born poor its not your mistake but if you die poor its your mistake "

Stay happy stay blessed . Reviews are welcomed .


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