Friday 11 July 2014

Pakistan's biggest addiction

ISLAMABAD : Every person in this world is addicted to something but in pakistan According to Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) now till date about 14 Crore Sims are being used in pakistan . As from all over the world mobile phone are becoming a part of our daily life . the one device that each and every person will have is a mobile phone .

Now even each individual has two to three mobile phones. People from all standards from lower to upper class have mobile phones . the range of cellphones is from 1000 rupees to 198,000 rupees. You know what is the major sketch . now everyone has choice no matter what there budget is they always have a choice to buy what they want most probably an android phone.

Well it is relly shocking for a poor country that is economically very weak is having a populaiton of 18 crore where as 14 croroe sims are being used.Experts say that due to release of 3g and 4g techologies this sale will get boosted up.well i believe that this is also the reason for the increament of crimes in pakistan .


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